Return / replacement terms:
Within 14 days of the date of delivery of the goods you purchased at www.surfwax.lt you can:
Change to another size;
Change to another model;
Recovering money paid for goods.
1. Refund / exchange is possible if the item:
Is unused, undamaged and has not lost its appearance;
Are of the same set as the buyer received;
Is in its original packaging;
With unopened original labels;
Delivered with purchase documents;
There is a completed Replacement Request Form;
You can also download the Refund / here - Refund Form.
Important! A copy of the invoice is required when returning the goods. The original invoice shall remain with the customer as a guarantee document.
2. In order to return the item, the customer must inform the customer service department at vytene@xpro.lt
The following details must be provided: the customer's name, the order number from which the item is to be returned, the specific items to be returned and the reasons for the return. This is a prerequisite to getting a refund for your returned goods.
3. Return or exchange goods by registered mail to:
"Xpro Group "
p.c. Mega
Islandijos pl. 32
LT-47019 Kaunas
+370 868 77878
Save a shipping receipt with a shipment number that will allow you to see when the shipment will reach us, and make it easier to search for a shipment if it is lost;
We take no responsibility for parcels that do not reach our warehouse.
4. Consignments sent on condition that the recipient pays or is not prepared in accordance with the above requirements will not be accepted by the Service Centre.
5. When replacing an item, the delivery of a new item is subject to the payment to courier.
6. For the returned item, the seller refunds the customer the amount paid for the item. There is no refund for shipping.
7. Upon return, the money is returned within 14 working days of the date of acceptance of the returned goods. In all cases, money for returned goods shall only be credited to the bank account indicated on the payer's return form.
8. If you have any questions, please contact us by email: vytene@xpro.lt
9. The goods shall be replaced and returned in accordance with the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Order No. July 22 Resolution No. 738 on the Approval of Retail Regulations.